CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 19
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 19 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1998-02].iso
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Text File
105 lines
This is X11R6.3 for OpenBSD 2.1/Amiga with public patch #01 applied.
In addition it also contains the contrib dir of X11R6.1 and Kaleb S.
KEITHLEY's version of the Athena Widgets, Xaw3d. It was also compiled
with XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 support enabled with a non-USA code written
by eay (eay 10/9/1991 eay@psych.psy.uq.oz.au).
The server is the XAmiga server with sources for X11R6.1.
It should run on the following:
XamigaCCmono - Old Amiga Mono support from XamigaMono
XamigaCCcolor - Amiga CustomChips Color support (ECS/AGA),
former Xdaniver
XamigaGfxCardSupport - Support for Gfx Board in general (Chunky Framebuffer)
XamigaRetinaZ3Support - Support for the GFX accelerator of the RetinaZ3
Graphics board
XamigaCl5426Server - Support for Cirrus 5426 based Gfx Boards
(Picollo, Picollo SD64, Spectrum, PicassoII)
XamigaCV64Support - Support for the GFX
accelerator of the CV64 Graphics board
The Xserver is based on the Sun Xserver with changes from
Markus Wild, Eduardo Horvath, Andy Heffernan, Kari Mettinen,
Gary Henderson, Michael Teske and Bernd Ernesti.
The unpacked distribution will take approximately 27MB of space and
will by default install into your /usr partion as /usr/X11R6.3. If
you do not have room for it in your /usr partion you can, before
starting the extract, create a link from /usr/X11R6.3 to an
partion with enough room, e.g.:
mkdir /bigpartion/X11R6.3
ln -s /bigpartion/X11R6.3 /usr/X11R6.3
To extract the files from the four archives you can try something like this:
cd /
for i in {direcetory-you-put-it-in}/X11R6.3-OpenBSD-Amiga-*.tar.gz; do
tar -zxpf $i;
As said the X server is based on the X11R6.1 source, so if you do not
have a previous installation of /usr/X11R6.1 you should create a link from
/usr/X11R6.1 to /usr/X11R6.3 so the server will find the files it it needs.
You can do this:
ln -s /usr/X11R6.3 /usr/X11
ln -s /usr/X11 /usr/X11R6.1
ln -s /usr/X11 /usr/X11R6
The last step (link from /usr/X11R6 to your prefered X directory) is needed
for the booting scripts (/etc/rc and /etc/rc.local).
You will also need to run the program grfconfig(8) on bootup to
configure the device for your graphics card if that is what you will
run X on. It is run like:
/usr/sbin/grfconfig /dev/grf? /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/grfmode
where '?' is the number of your device and "grfmode" is the file containing
the data for grfconfig (you must provide an appropriate file for your
spesific gfx card and monitor).
The devices for the different gfx cards are:
/dev/grf2: Retina Z3
/dev/grf3: Picollo, Picollo SD64, Spectrum, PicassoII
/dev/grf5: CV64
Put the grfconfig command somewhere in the /etc/rc.local file.
You should let xdm start the X server at the end of your /etc/rc.local
file rather than doing it manually or with startx or similar (a commented
entry is provided in the /etc/rc.local file, uncomment it.)
xdm will look at the file /usr/X11R6.3/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers for how to
start the X server. If you are using a gfx card instead of the Amiga custom
chipset you will have to change it first (a commented example is provided
there as the line I use to start it on my CV64 card).
Good luck. If you notice any errors in this compilation send me a mail.
_ //
\X/ -- Michael Shuldman <michaels@ifi.uio.no>
At the last hour several security problems were made public,
affecting this compilation. We have applied what patches we could
find, thanks to the following people for providing them:
initial xrm fix : David Hedley (hedley@CS.BRIS.AC.UK)
fix for misc. overflows : Alex Belits (abelits@phobos.illtel.denver.co.us)